A research scientist is supposed to be all engrossed in the field of research s/he works in. But I'm someone who has always had interest in different things, from linguistics to astronomy to sports. I choose few unusual stories in science and eco-conservation to write about on my blogs. I maintain an unbiased and logical approach towards the information. and refuse to label something "impossible", "hoax" or "rubbish" just because the current scientific and technological know-how cannot explain it.
I acknowledge that there is a lot for us to learn and understand yet on this planet. I also believe that life goes in cycles and therefore, our civilisation is not the first advanced humans this planet has seen. History (which we conveniently call mythology and ignore) tells us of various feats of advanced ancient civilisations and their downfall, gradual or sudden. We CAN learn a lot from our past, about our future and about our planet, if we make a wise choice.
I am also passionate about using the tremendous and far reaching power of social media and Web2.0 for raising awareness among common folk about science, eco-conservation and humanitarian causes. I look forward to working with my fellow Earthizens (by my definition, all creatures on this planet are Earthlings and the technologically advanced us are the Earthizens) to make any difference I can on this wonderful planet.
Recently I have also been propelled on the wonderful and intriguing path of discovering myself spiritually. I have attracted some incredible books, documentaries and people in my life that have completely altered my perspective about life and the role I play in creating it. I am a very different human being than a couple of years ago and LOVING IT! Confluence of science and spirituality is, hence, my newest passion.
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